Cashflow Management

Invoice Finance

A powerful tool keep a steady cashflow in your business. Invoice Finance gives you the opportunity to draw funds against your outstanding invoices whilst you are waiting for your clients to settle them. The available amount typically ranges from 60% to 75% of the invoice value. Providing several invoices to the lender allows for the creation of an invoice pool up to an agreed total amount. Your clients will settle the invoice directly with the lender and you can draw the received funds from there. Interest is usually calculated on a daily rate and the amount due depends on the value borrowed against the invoices. The accumulated interest is paid monthly.

Invoice Finance is useful for early stage business development as well as business with outgoings before funds are being received, especially when large expenses have to be settled before invoices are due. It is not a sign of a business in jeopardy it is a testimonial of responsible handling of business finance.

Overdraft Facilities

Overdrafts are a classic and standard finance product for businesses, however, they have been rather difficult to obtain through banks nowadays. We can help your business to arrange an Overdraft Facility. Depending on the business profile and financial situation, a maximum amount will be agreed and funds can be drawn or repaid at any time. Interest is calculated per day and interest payments are due monthly and will be collected by Direct Debit.

For both, Invoice Finance and Overdraft, due diligence from directors and shareholders as well as financials of the business are required.